Exciting changes at Flame
The first week back in January, Flame staff attended a two-day strategic planning workshop with charities expert Nick Swain from Zorva Consulting, UK.
As a result of the workshop, one group won the chance and funding to run a pilot program teaching computer studies to high school children at Boung Tompom After School Centre.
Well done Wandy, Navy, Sokhhan and Mr Rith for coming up with a great proposal to meet the real and current needs of our young people.
Another change is that some of the initiatives now have new names. These are a better reflection of what we do. We hope you agree!
Activity Centres are now called After-School Programs
For most of our staff whenever they said to anyone that they worked at an ‘activity centre’ they would then have to explain that they were teaching classes. This new name makes what they do so much clearer.
For Cambodian children, school is only for half a day and some go in the morning and some in the afternoon. This means that in the second part of the day, the children are available to come to our centres for extra tuition. Now the name makes more sense, doesn’t it?
Read more about the after-school programs here
The Book Tuktuk now the Mobile Classroom and is permanently based at Bong Trabek.
In the early days before we had the concrete floor and shelter.
The Mobile Classroom began as a mobile library but has morphed into so much more as our staff have responded to the needs of the kids. Sok Sou is now teaching classes in Khmer (Cambodian language), maths and English right in the midst of the community. This initiative has been an amazing success and has grown far beyond what we imagined.
The teaching takes place in the shelter with a concrete floor and sunshades that was made possible by some kind donors.
A big thank you goes out to St Paul’s Collegiate Hamilton who have supported the Mobile Classroom from the beginning.
Let us know what you think of our new names
You can become a part of Bong Trabek community by supporting the Mobile Classroom
or consider supporting the After School Program which currently needs donor support
If you can help please donate below