Maria’s Story
“My parents couldn’t give me an inheritance, but they could give me an education.”
When people are deprived of an education, how do they read or negotiate work contracts? How do they understand the wider digital world that we live in without computer literacy? Before I came to Flame, I worked with survivors of human trafficking. I saw for myself the clear link between low education levels and increased vulnerablity to human traffickers and exploitation. People without basic literacy are simply more easily cheated and taken advantage of. They have less choices in terms of what they can do, where they can go and what capacity they can function in work-wise.
“Give a child an education, and they take it wherever they go.”
My job as isn't easy, but it is rewarding. I have decided to put aside the difficulties I face daily, the horrid smells, behavioural issues, harsh language and generally tough environment and focus on the positive. To be honest, I love working with kids, and I really want to bring love into their lives as well as giving them the opportunity to go to school. They are so in need of care and encouragement.
I believe that the heart is so very important... if we don't have compassion, how will we serve our communities?
When I help slum living kids, I feel super excited, it's like my soul is filled -I'm so happy. I love the fact that I am not only able to find out what's going on at the time, but am able to follow up, day by day and step by step to really help them attain sustainable change. Without an education, these kids will only ever be able to work using brawn not brains. They will stay begging at the traffic lights, without a chance to change their future.
I love being part of the solution.
This is a new Flame student, happy to be able to attend school instead of collecting plastic bottles.
My team and I are thankful each day for the supporters who make an education possible for kids like this. Please consider partnering with us to help more kids.